In 2019, the most Venerable Lama Tsewang Rinpoche who holds the authentic lineage of His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche gave two days teachings on The Heart Essence: My Heart’s Advice at Khenpo Tsulnam Rinpoche’s center in Klang, Malaysia.
The Heart Essence: My Heart’s Advice was written by HH Jigme Phuntsok with profound instructions on Śamatha by Jamgön Mipam Rinpoche. It summarizes the stages of the path of both Sutrayana and Vajrayana, and is the heart essence teachings of H.H. Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche for his closest disciples.
Here are five recording of teachings on The Heart Essence: My Heart’s Advice by Lama Tsewang Rinpoche with on-site Chinese translation.

01 Lama Tsewang Rinpoche: The Heart Essence: My Heart’s Advice by H.H. Jigme Phuntsok 忠言心之明点
1:55:52
02 Lama Tsewang Rinpoche: The Heart Essence: My Heart’s Advice by H.H. Jigme Phuntsok 忠言心之明点
1:23:38
03 Lama Tsewang Rinpoche: The Heart Essence: My Heart’s Advice by H.H. Jigme Phuntsok 忠言心之明点
1:09:49The Heart Essence: My Heart’s Advice
by Kyabje Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok
May the youthful sun of speech, Mañjuśrī, in his enlightened form
With its signs and marks, embodying the secret body, speech and mind
Of all the infinite buddhas and their bodhisattva heirs,
Turn your minds towards the path to perfect awakening!There are countless Dharma teachings, profound and extensive,
Suited to the mental capacities and inclinations of limitless beings,
Yet, by gathering all the key points together in a way that can be practised,
I offer this pithy advice to you, my friends, who are as dear as my own heart.Should you be attached to this life you’ll have no chance to practise the Dharma.
The more you indulge your desires, the more your craving will only increase,
And you’ll never find satisfaction. Wealth, happiness, fame and praise —
To pursue them is like buying and selling in a dream: let go of such concerns!By relying on genuine, qualified spiritual teachers,
Your virtuous qualities will develop and increase,
And all your faults and failings will be cast away,
So serve them in the three ways, and accomplish others’ aims.Just as gardens are not to be found growing in midair,
All the bounties of the higher realms and liberation
Will never be yours as long as you lack moral discipline,
So with mindfulness, awareness and caution, control your mind.Up to now, you have wandered as if crazy and without a guide
Through the vast darkness of unknowing in beginningless existence.
So now, in order to find the great palace of peace and happiness,
It’s right that you take joy in studying the ocean-like teachings.Yet hearing alone will not be enough to eliminate misconceptions,
And confidence in the teacher and teachings will not come easily,
So, through a hundred forms of debating, explaining and composing,
Gather the elixir of mind that is the wisdom born of reflection.Even the most erudite of teachers with vast scriptural learning
Can repeat words like a parrot, without taking them to heart,
But when death suddenly arrives, this will only bring regret,
So rely on the essential meaning of the teachings, my heart-friends!All the infinite teachings of the buddhas, so vast in number,
Are imparted purely as a means to subdue our own mind.
Don’t put your faith in words alone! I urge you once again:
Let the key points of the deeper meaning seep into your hearts!This physical existence is difficult to find, like an uḍumbara flower,
Yet more rewarding than the discovery of a million precious gems.
To find an opportunity like this again in future will be difficult indeed,
So don’t let it pass without accomplishing the highest of all aims!Our great enemy, the lord of death, arrives like lightning from the sky,
And nobody can predict when and where he will strike next.
So you can ill afford to be idle, waiting months or even years.
Now, right now, is the time for virtuous Dharma practice!For all beings, actions will not go to waste, but will bear fruit,
And when karma ripens, there’s no way to change its outcome.
So now, while you’re fortunate enough to have some influence,
If you still insist on deceiving yourself, who then will protect you!If merely thinking about saṃsāra’s various sufferings,
Which are unbearably intense, causes you to shudder,
Ask yourself: What will it be like when body and mind
Actually undergo these countless forms of duḥkha?Only they have the power to lead us from this great terror,
So extremely difficult to escape: no one else could ever save us!
So we should take these three most precious jewels as our refuge,
For they are infallible, wise, compassionate, and powerful.All the three worlds’ misery comes from wanting happiness for ourselves,
And all virtue and happiness is born of a mind that wishes others well.
So, following the example of the teacher of all gods and human beings,
Generate the supreme mind that is set upon unsurpassed awakening.When the crystal mirror of your own mind is covered completely
With the thick layer of dust that is the adventitious defilements,
It’s difficult for the reflection of profound, clear samādhi to appear,
So strive to clean it with the pure cloth of confession’s four powers.All sights, sound and awareness are deity, mantra and dharmatā,
And knowing that this is how it has always been is the view.
Without losing sight of this, take aim with meditation’s arrow,
And master the activities of eliminating harm and providing care.If you can generate bliss, clarity and non-thought as means of support,
Through the techniques of breathing and adopting physical postures,
You will come to master the illusory body of clear light,
So it’s right that you allow the perfection stage to penetrate your mind.At this time, when the darkness of the five degenerations prevails,
It is hard for the starlight of the eight lower yānas to banish it.
So shine the light of the Nyingtik sun with its hundred thousand rays,
All drawn along by the swift carriage of the three kinds of faith!Whatever arises, in pure awareness, unaltered and unconfined,
Look into the mind that settles by itself, resting naturally.
If you recognize the natural clarity, always empty and without origin,
You’ll traverse at once the paths and stages, and capture the fruition.While leaving things just as they are, if, through the right postures and gazes,
You experience naturally manifesting space and light-spheres as pure awareness,
Then dualistic perception, saṃsāra’s darkness, will disappear in all-pervading space,
And, perfecting the four visions, you’ll achieve a body of light, the great transference.What I have said here—this plain talk arranged in verses—is my heart’s advice.
Although it lacks the poetic turns of phrase that might delight intellectuals,
As a spontaneous, unaltered outpouring from the depths of my mind,
It is in the preferred style of the vidyādharas of the Early Translations.Through the merit of this, may all beings without exception
Gain perfect sovereignty over the kingdom of the four kāyas,
And may I too never be separated, even for a moment,
From the fortitude of Mañjuśrī, the ever youthful!
This was composed spontaneously in China, at the solitary place of Wu Tai Shan (The Five-Peaked Mountain), on the peak upon which the supreme deity, the youthful Mañjuśrī, turned the wheel of the profound and vast Dharma for tens of thousands of bodhisattvas, by Ngawang Lodrö Tsungme (Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok) who set down in twenty-three minutes all that came to mind. May it be virtuous!
| Translated by Adam Pearcey, 2005, revised 2015. Thanks to Lama Chökyi Nyima for his kind assistance and to Matthew Pistono for his encouragement.
The Heart Essence: My Heart’s Advice. Retrieved from
无边佛子诸能仁,三密合集相好身, 愿彼童子妙吉祥,转汝心向菩提道。
相应无量有情意,深广法理虽难测, 归纳实修之要诀,忠言精要告密友。
贪著现世无法缘,屡享欲乐增贪心, 利乐称誉求不得,如梦买卖故舍弃。
所依止者增功德,远离一切罪过患, 具有法相善知识,三喜依彼所愿成。
犹如空中建花园,增上定胜诸圆满, 无戒无此机会故,念知谨慎调自续。
无始无亲疯人般,独漂轮回痴暗中, 今寻寂乐美宅故,应喜听闻圣教诲。
唯闻不能断增益,于佛正法难得信, 依靠百般辨讲著,思所生慧置心中。
讲诸圣教大论师,未调自续如鹦鹉, 死亡骤至悔恨因,牢记教诫诸道友。
数多佛陀诸法理,唯调众心方便说, 莫要耽著诸词句,深要入心复告诫。
难得此身如昙花,超胜万宝具大义, 未来极其难得故,寻求解脱莫懒散。
死主大敌如暴雷,谁亦不知何时到, 无空闲住之岁月 ,故今当速修善法。
众生业果无空耗,感异熟时不可改, 如今有缘自在时,自骗自己何者救。
难忍轮回苦支分,忆念不禁汗毛竖, 重苦逼迫身心时,成为如何自思量。
如此怖畏极难脱,救者别处不可得, 无欺智悲力性者,理当归依三宝尊。
自欲乐生三界苦,利他心生诸善乐, 故随人天大导师,应发无上菩提心。
自续佛性如晶镜,忽然障尘极遮蔽, 难现深广等持影,故需四力布勤拭。
证本所见闻觉法,佛身咒慧无二见, 不离此见修箭转,摄受制伏应自在。
运气作持身方便,能引乐明无念伴, 光明幻身自在故,圆满次第入心间。
五浊黑暗极深时,八乘星光难除之, 三信七马应牵引,极密精要万日光。
现识无改逸然中,自然自住观本性, 认识本空自明面,同时成就地道果。
直定中依坐看式,享自然界明点智, 二取轮回消法界,究竟四相成虹身。
通俗词句此忠言,虽无智者所喜词, 自然顿现离选择,前译传承特性矣。
以此善愿诸有情,自在四身胜王位, 吾与文殊勇猛心,一刹那亦不远离。
此文于五台山圣妙吉祥菩萨为万数佛子转深广法轮处,由语自在智慧无等二十三分钟随显而作。善 哉!