Sand Mandala

Sand Mandala

The contemplation of a mandala is thought to enable spiritual awakening and psychological/emotional growth and, in Tibetan Buddhism especially, is believed to quicken one’s realization of the nature of the world and speed the process of enlightenment. The Philosophy of Sand Mandalas will make the experience of seeing one in reality a profound and the structure of the Universe, Wisdom and Impermanence, Nature of Enlightenment.

The mandala represents the human journey from ignorance to Buddhahood. One interesting thing about the process of mandala making is that, after the mandala is completed, the accompanying ceremonies and public viewing is over, the mandala is destroyed in one swift sweep. This represents the ultimate impermanence of all conditioned things. The sand is then swept into the rivers where it is believed that the river waters will carry the blessed sand far and wide.

For the beginner, Mandala serves as an object of Meditation to develop mental stability and clarity to reduce anxiety, frustration, worry and stress etc. It is a method to remind us to live in the present moment. For the artist, Mandala is an ancient Tibetan art that has many fascinating unique qualities such as background history, meanings and purposes that reflect value of our life and remind us to live happy and let other live happy too. Mandala is also used to purify and bless the people and the world from negative forces and to bring harmony and peace to the world. It is to remind us of the importance of educating the heart to become a warm hearted good human being to reduce man made problems that came from selfish narrow minded and greedy attitudes.


ཨོཾ་ཨཱཿ ཧཱུྃ།།

嗡 啊 吽
衮桑齐邱西垂拉措躺 普贤最胜文武会众及
躺吧日嘉堆呗拉措拉 一切圣尊百部会众前
魁呗洽采帕托垂内蒋 恭敬顶礼中阴获解脱
卓衮咕颂吞拉内玖吉 惟愿众生三身义竟成

ཨོཾ་ཨཱཿ ཧཱོུཾཿ བོ་དྷི་ཙིཏྟ་མ་ཧཱ་སུ་ཁ་ཛྙཱ་ན་དྷརྟུ་ཨཱཿ ཨོཾ་རུ་ལུ་རུ་ལུ་ཧཱོུཾ་བྷྱོ་ཧཱོུཾཿ
嗡啊吽 布德资达 玛哈苏卡 嘉那
达度啊 嗡 热噜 热噜 吽 久 吽