'Troma Narmo Chod Practice -Four Feasts' from Dudjom New Treasure


Guru Padmasambhava received the profound ‘Accomplishment Practice of Dakini Throma Nagmo’ from the wisdom dakinis at the Vajra Cave. Understanding its immense power, Guru Padmasambhava kept it hidden in his mind. Later, in Tibet, the Dakini Yeshi Tsogyal requested him to transmit this practice. Guru Padmasambhava imparted the essence and verbal instructions, and they concealed it as a terma in the rocks.

Over a thousand years later, Guru Padmasambhava transmitted this practice once again to the First Dudjom Rinpoche, making it the exceptional Dakini Throma Nagmo practice of the “Dudjom New Treasure”. The Four Feasts of the Great Perfection Dakini Throma Nagmo are an extraordinary method for purifying obscurations, which consist of Black, White, Red, and Flower feasts, usually practiced at different times during retreat. They combine profound wisdom with compassionate love, purifying self-attachment and habitual tendencies, and revealing the innate wisdom of the nature of mind.


Dudjom Tersar lineage

Guru Padmasambhava

H.H. The 1st Dudjom:

Dudjom Lingpa

H.H. The 2nd Dudjom:

Kyabje Dudjom Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche

H.H. The 3rd Dudjom:

Dudjom Sangye Pema Shepa Rinpoche

H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche, Bhutan, 2014.

Photo credit: Khenpo Tamding

Tsewang Rinpoche, India, 2017.

Troma Narmo Chod Practice 'Four Feasts' from Dudjom New Treasure

Taught by Chakung Lama Tsewang Rinpoche

The Terma of Dudjom Lingpa and the teachings passed down by Guru Rinpoche possess the same profound and rare blessings. This particular Chod chant is called ‘The Second Ocean of Four Feasts’. It was selected from the essence of the Dharma ‘Exposing the Nature of Emptiness’ in the lineage of Dudjom Rinpoche, as found in the sacred text ‘The Heart Drop of the Sage Saraha’s Guidance to Realize the Profound Meaning of Vajrayana, Cutting Through Doubts.’ 

The chant’s melody has been transmitted by the daughter of Dudjom Rinpoche, Dakini Lachen Pema Semo, who chanted it in the pure realm, according to sacred tune taught by Dakinis and the Warrior Vajra in the country of Uḍḍiyāna. Later, it was studied by Kelsang Nyima Rinpoche, who then transmitted it to his nephew, Chakung Lama Tsewang Rinpoche. The transmission carries profound blessings, and nowadays, Tsewang Rinpoche delivers it to those who share karmic connections and to the ones dedicated to propagating the Buddha Dharma. 

The lineage of Dudjom Rinpoche’s teachings has flourished widely, akin to the boundless expanse of space, attracting numerous practitioners who seek to study this enchanting chant. As it is well known, due to the differences in languages and accents in various regions, the chant may vary in pronunciation and rhythm, and the accuracy of its recitation may be uncertain. Fortunately, as a nephew of His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok and a descendant of the Dudjom Rinpoche family, Tsewang Rinpoche, with his close Dharma lineage and blood connection, is one of the most accomplished masters for imparting this practice, and the blessings of his transmission are exceedingly sublime.

May this melodious and enchanting chant resonate throughout the vast universe, granting liberation to all sentient beings bound by duality and freed from the four maras.

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The Meth of Practicing The Four Feasts: The Yogis and Yoginis Who Continually Practice The Teachings of Chod Purify Sins and Obscurations: and Red Feast of Pure Vision: A Rain of Accumulation of Merit and Spirial Attainment (PDF)


