Naga Puja Testimony by Celia

Author: Celia

Try to break through the third-dimension phenomena, maybe this divine manifestation is only in the fourth or fifth dimensional channel, but it can give a lot of encouragement to the average person who tend to attach to forms. This morning, Tibetan Rinpoche from Melbourne took some Buddhists on an excursion to Portsea to do the Naga Vase offering puja. With compassion Rinpoche gave the dragon clan a medicine bath and blessings. When the puja was about to finish, the “little golden dragon” suddenly appeared in the sea, and it disappeared after about a minute. Shortly after dark clouds appeared in the sky above us. Rinpoche began to lead us, chanting the blessing ritual which included lines such as
“Heaven’s wealth is dense and dense”
“Like clouds and mists”
“Like rivers and waves flowing like rain falling”.
Folklore says dragon king is responsible for the rain to the human world. While chanting, the sky started to drop “auspicious rain” 🌧 Once we had finish chanting the sun ☀ came out with a halo in the sky above us. While looking towards the sky, the clouds also appeared in the shape of a dragon head🐲 ☁It was like magic! After completing the puja, we went for lunch together, one of the Buddhist who live nearby also saw the rainbow which had appeared in the sky🌈.

Prayers are effective only when they are sincere. It exists when you believe it. All things on earth, all beings of different dimensionality coexist in one space. We can only see the phenomena which we can explain clearly to ourselves as the eyes of ordinary mundane person. What you can’t see and what you can’t understand is completely assumed not to exist, or even despise. Life will go by too quickly and with that kind of attitude, it is impossible to surpass themselves, even backward into the abyss. In which realms to reborn after death is hard to say! I hope we all give ourselves some leisure time to think, beyond the senses, deep inside, we really can dig more precious treasure than diamonds!


努力突破三维的显相,或许这些示现也仅是在第四维或五维的频道,但还是给与了我们这些喜欢着相的凡夫很多勉励!今日墨尔本藏族仁波切带领诸信众同去portsea海边恭放龙王宝瓶,赐予龙族慈悲的药浴及加持。布施加持即将完毕时,海里突然出现了黄金块般的“小金龙”,一分钟左右随即消失不见。。。之后我们上方的天空出现乌云,仁波切开始带领我们念诵招福仪轨,其中有字句如“天财如云密又密”“宛若云雾密又密”“犹如江河浪滔滔,亦如细雨淅沥沥”。民间都传说龙王负责给人间布雨,念着念着,天空便落下了“吉祥雨”🌧️刚念完,在我们头顶上方又出现了有光晕的太阳️还有龙头🐲形状的云️ 我们离开后大家共进午餐,附近道友又看到了彩虹。

